Broken Angel

June 24, 2012 J. 0 Comments

A few days ago, someone sent me a image which I later made my avatar only to be asked by another what I thought of the picture.

So I looked at it again.

It was of a girl, crouched in a field of snow by a tree. She had black wings and crows flying over her head. She is barefooted although her surrounding is completely covered in snow. Her world is a very cold place, yet she remains in the nude. She isn’t oblivious, I think, just habituated. The crows gather at her location because she attracts misfortune like bees to honey or moths to a flame.

Everything about her posture and environment screams her desolation. Her head is in her hands but by her foot is a little twig and a patch on the snow where she had been doodling; thinking, or waiting perhaps? There is tattoo on her arm, which suggests that, at some point at least, she had been a part of something. A tribe or family. She had not always been alone.

She is scarred and not entirely an innocent; her dark wings portray that clearly and so does her black veil which trails in the pure white snow. She is undergoing an internal struggle between good and evil but her lowered eyes and bent head, something about them make me think that right at that moment, evil seems a very attractive choice to her. In my mind’s eye, I can clearly see her getting up and flying away with those crows. That would be her point of no return however.

But within it all she is frightened. She is just a girl, after all. An angel with dirty wings. If I had to give this picture a title it would be, Broken Angel

So you want to know what I see when I look at this picture?

Though I know not the artist, I know what he/she has drawn so beautifully.

They had drawn me.