The Book of Night

breaking in the moment

September 01, 2024 J. 0 Comments

i vaguely realise that i am going through something right now.
it is something that yanks me out of every comfort zone i possess 
and forces me to share my life with another.
against my will.
despite it being, possibly, for my own good.
down the line.
in the long run.

but realising this does not mean that the situation is resolved.
i am still going through it. right now.
i am still reacting to it. right now.
i am still seeking comfort and finding none.

so maybe i will be fine some time in the future
and might even look back to this moment and label it an overreaction.
it is a privilege that the future version of me will possess.
the ability to not be as tied to the turbulent maelstrom of emotions within me right now.
the ability to look upon them from behind a screen, 
a place of safety.
a place of knowing.
a place of having lived through this already,
through eyes of memory.

so yes, 
while distantly being aware that this is just another phase 
on the road of life 
that i may one day not even remember clearly 
even if i read this again,
right now,
right this very minute,
in this moment,
my heart is actively breaking.

Juicy Raindrops! ♡

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