So... I'm driving!

August 05, 2013 J. 0 Comments


Yes, you read that right. You better watch out people.. Jasmeen's behind the wheel. But i exaggerate. I believe Pappi said that i was a natural. I haven't hurt anyone and neither have i wrecked any cars. (i did hit my bumper against my own front gate once though - but no one was hurt.) Also the other drivers on the road tend to give me a wide berth when they spy my L-sign so all's good... most of the time.


I do get the occasional problem with taxi-drivers though. I swear those people do not possess one patient bone in their bodies. I've learned to ignore them when they are behind me and to change lanes when they are in front of me (you never know when they'll spot a passenger and instantly hit the brakes.. with no warning whatsoever, leaving you with a lot of damage). You also have to watch out for that one taxi that doesn't have working brake lights. That, for me, was Driving 101.


Juicy Raindrops!



August 05, 2013 J. 0 Comments


"Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was, "Did you bring joy?" The second was, "Did you find joy?'"  - Leo Buscaglia

En-joy, (see what i did there? )

Juicy Raindrops!

Full circle

August 04, 2013 J. 0 Comments

I stepped out on my front porch and stretched my arms. The sun was shinning, the birds were singing.. It was a good day for a walk. I pulled my front door and stuck a note on it. With that, I was on my way. 

I lived in a relatively quiet neighbourhood so I didn't meet a lot of people on my way. I did see Mrs. Grayson watering her peonies though and Mr. Stevenson as he returned from work. I also saw young Nathan as he took out the trash, mumbling about interfering mothers. I smiled and waved and kept on my way. The sun was setting and it was such a beautiful sight, it made me wish I'd brought my camera along. 
I turned into another street. The street lights were coming on and pets were being let out for the night. One of the pets being let out was a cat. I didn't know the breed types but this looked like a Persian. I thought to stop and pet it but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own. They kept moving forward. Dismissively, I thought to myself that perhaps it was time I got myself a cat.  

Soon I made a turn. This street wasn't as brightly lit as the one I had walked by. There was actually only one street light on, and it was flickering. The bulb had obviously seen better days. And somehow night had instantly fallen, shrouding me in darkness. Gone was the beautiful sunset I had been casually admiring and in its place was a moonless, starless night. I could barely see where I was going but like before my feet continued to move forward. Cautiously and slowly but forward nonetheless. 

A bark startled me. I turned to see this beast of a dog running towards me. It had huge green eyes and fangs the size of tusks. I felt fear wrap its icy hands around me and I stopped. I couldn't for the life of me run for cover. I was trapped by fear, frozen. Then suddenly as if reaching the end of its chain, the dog was yanked back at the neck and it stopped. Now immobile, it stood just two feet from me howling and growling and still within fear's grip, I remained standing there unmoving. 

I do not know for how long I remained there. It felt like years, but it very much could have been only minutes. I realised that up until this point I had had a relatively sheltered life. I knew bloodhounds existed of course but I had never come face to face with one. I had never been so close to dying too. Faced with my mortality and the ease of it all, I felt down for my left foot. It was still there. Lax and atrophied but still there. I tried to move it, it wouldn't bulge. It was like the ground beneath my feet on hearing my resolve had turned to quicksand, keeping me prisoner. I yanked harder and freed my left leg. I did the same with the right one. Then the left again.. And just like that with one foot in from of the other, I was moving again. 

This time I didn't take as much time admiring my surroundings for I had turned another corner. I focused more on watching my feet and making sure that I didn't stumble and that I didn't fall.

The further I walked the more I could feel something nagging at me. Soon I realised what it was. It was déjà vu. I had been here before. As soon as I figured that out, the buildings began to appear as if drawn before me by an unseen hand. The houses were all identical. White picket fences, green doors. All that distinguished one house from the next was the number on each door. I kept on walking. 

79, 80, 81... My pulse quickened... 82, 83 .. And right there where there should have been an identical white fence and green doored house was a black door with note taped to it. The note said, "Taking a walk, back in a bit!"

Juicy Raindrops! ♡
The Calvins

Chronicles of The Calvins: Pilot

August 01, 2013 J. 0 Comments

I received an early morning call from Janet. She and Kyle had been at it again. This time I believe it had something to do with Kyle’s latest girlfriend – by the way, this girlfriend could be either fictional or real. With Kyle, you never really know.

Janet and Kyle are… they are special to me. I have known and loved them my whole life and I would be the first to tell you that they are the wackiest married couple you will ever have the good fortune to meet. I think they symbolize what marriage is really like. They’ve been married a while now, no kids yet thank goodness... but I look forward to the birth of any kids they might have. I have a feeling we will get along pretty well. 

The two words that come to mind when I think of them are passion and love (followed closely by “psychotic”) but what is love if not crazy, huh? I have never seen two people love the way they do – for better or worse. They will fight (lord can they fight!!), they will exchange words and even hurt each other, but boy, can they love! They kind of remind me of Andy Capp and Flo though they would both royally trash me if they knew I thought so (proving my point, don't you think?)


Anyway, back to the call…

Apparently Janet had intercepted a message on Kyle’s phone. The message had included words like “baby” and “love you”.  When she had confronted Kyle, he had done what men have been doing forever, even in the presence of undeniable, irrefutable proof: he denied it.

All he achieved was to piss Janet off even more. Consequently, she had thrown a hair dryer (why is it always a hair dryer?) at him and he had left the house.

Now the reason she had called was this: it was 11pm and Kyle still hadn’t come home. It was late. There had been an attack in one of the joints she knew he frequented and though she had repeatedly tried calling his number, it hadn’t gone through. She didn’t care about ‘the bimbo’ anymore. She just wanted to know that her husband was alive and unharmed.

Isn't it incredible how quickly our priorities can change? 

I was consoling her when Kyle returned home. I bid her good night, was about to hang up when I heard her speaking to Kyle and realised that she hadn’t hung up yet (probably thinking that I would). Now this was wrong but my curiosity got the better of me so I listened.

At first I couldn't make out the words. Janet was speaking and there was a wealth of panic and concern in her voice. I heard Kyle convince her that he was fine and then there was silence. I assumed that was the end of that and was about to hang up again when I heard Janet say,
“What is this?”
Kyle: “That’s just…”

But I never heard the end of it. There was a loud thump, a howl and then silence. A couple of seconds later, I hung up and went to bed.

The next day I visited the Calvins… and pretended not to notice the black eye Kyle was sporting.

Juicy Raindrops!

Weeks later, I will come to know that Janet had found a napkin in Kyle’s pocket with a phone number and the words “Call me maybe?” scribbled on it.