So... I'm driving!

August 05, 2013 J. 0 Comments


Yes, you read that right. You better watch out people.. Jasmeen's behind the wheel. But i exaggerate. I believe Pappi said that i was a natural. I haven't hurt anyone and neither have i wrecked any cars. (i did hit my bumper against my own front gate once though - but no one was hurt.) Also the other drivers on the road tend to give me a wide berth when they spy my L-sign so all's good... most of the time.


I do get the occasional problem with taxi-drivers though. I swear those people do not possess one patient bone in their bodies. I've learned to ignore them when they are behind me and to change lanes when they are in front of me (you never know when they'll spot a passenger and instantly hit the brakes.. with no warning whatsoever, leaving you with a lot of damage). You also have to watch out for that one taxi that doesn't have working brake lights. That, for me, was Driving 101.


Juicy Raindrops!

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