Dreams and Nightmares

November 18, 2015 J. 0 Comments

I dreamt about you last night. Though you've remained dancing on the fringes of my mind, I hadn't actively let myself think of you, let alone let you creep into my dreams. I haven't picked up a pen in a month, scared of where my thoughts would lead and therefore the words I'd write. Because I can only write about that which I know. That which I feel. So instead I have only read books. Nora Roberts, Caroline Mortimer and Laura Kinsale. And if I happen to read a line that jumps out of the page and stabs me in the heart then I can smile wistfully and keep reading. Keep forging ahead. Gambare, right?

But today I had a dream. And it was a nightmare. We were in a casino playing blackjack with a couple of your friends. I didn't have any heart - and when your friend let slip that you'd married in the years I haven't seen you and had given life to another, that became literal. For the band aids that have kept my heart together couldn't take anymore and they gave way under that one final assault. And all those pieces that used to make up my heart, crushed and ground into fine dust. In my next breath, they flew way leaving behind an almost empty chest cavity - with only a muscular organ which was still pumping blood to my body parts. Keeping me still in existence if not alive. Extending my torture. 

But then I smiled. And won at blackjack. And then I woke up in my own bed.
I haven't dreamt of you in a long while. 
I haven't even let myself think of you. 

And now I remember why. 
You're the only one who has enough of me to break my heart. 
Even in dreams. 



i hope you're happy

November 15, 2015 J. 0 Comments

we hadn’t spoken in a while you and i,
and today when we did, we spoke like strangers
we spoke like two people who had just met
or people who knew each other through an acquaintance
we spoke as if we hadn’t known each other’s secrets
as if we hadn’t told each other everything once
as if we hadn’t spent the last decade of our lives being each other's shoulder to cry on, 
each other's hand to hold, each other's sounding board, 
partners-in-crime, we were
helping each other pick up the fragile pieces that was left 
whenever Life would throw us a curve ball
we spoke like strangers
we spoke like to two people who barely knew each other
but we used to know each other, didn't we?

we used to know what made the other cry
we used to know what made the other smile, laugh 
what to say to distract at exactly the right moment
what to say to make the other consider, think
you used to know
i used to know
we used to know.

we used to be these incredibly close people usually referred to as one entity
people would tell one of us a thing 
knowing the other would know about it too
we were those people
but today we spoke like we hardly knew each other
like acquaintances of a meeting or two
we didn’t even talk like colleagues
we didn’t even really talk at all.

and I felt something in me just shift
i don’t know if i’m too broken to feel things break in me anymore
but i felt something shift in me 
something moved from it's original place
like a book that’s been moved from it's place on a shelf
like a Jane Austen being moved to the science fiction section
do you know what I mean?
something was out of place, something didn’t feel right
but like i said 
i am way too broken to know when things break in me
it might have been a vase falling from a pedestal,
a priceless Ming relic shattering into tiny irretrievable, irreplaceable pieces
it could have been, you know?
i don’t feel the shattering that I should feel
i am too broken for that.

i hope you’re happy
i hope you become content
i hope good things for you
i may be broken i am broken, doesn’t mean i don’t wish you well
so be happy
i hope you’re happy
cuz i can’t ask you that anymore
 so i really, really hope you’re happy.
