i hope you're happy
we hadn’t spoken in a while you and i,
and today when we did, we spoke like
we spoke like two people who had just met
or people who knew each other through an acquaintance
we spoke as if we hadn’t known each other’s
as if we hadn’t told each other
everything once
as if we hadn’t spent the last decade of
our lives being each other's shoulder to cry on,
each other's hand to hold, each
other's sounding board,
partners-in-crime, we were
partners-in-crime, we were
helping each other pick up the fragile
pieces that was left
whenever Life would throw us a curve ball
whenever Life would throw us a curve ball
we spoke like strangers
we spoke like to two people who barely knew
each other
but we used to know each other, didn't we?
we used to know what made the other cry
used to know what made the other smile, laugh
what to say to distract
at exactly the right moment
what to say to make the other consider, think
you used to know
i used to know
we used to know.
we used to be these
incredibly close people usually referred to as one entity
people would
tell one of us a thing
knowing the other would know about it too
we were those people
but today we spoke like we hardly knew each other
like acquaintances of a meeting or two
we didn’t even talk like colleagues
we didn’t even really talk at all.
and I felt something in me just shift
i don’t know if i’m too broken to feel
things break in me anymore
but i felt something shift in me
something moved from it's original place
like a book that’s been moved from it's
place on a shelf
like a Jane Austen being moved to the science fiction section
do you know what I mean?
something was out of place, something
didn’t feel right
but like i said
i am way too broken to know when things
break in me
it might have been a vase falling from a pedestal,
a priceless Ming relic shattering into tiny irretrievable, irreplaceable
it could have been, you know?
i don’t feel the shattering that I should
i am too broken for that.
i hope you’re happy
i hope you become content
i hope good things for you
so be happy
i hope you’re happy
cuz i can’t ask you that anymore
so i
really, really hope you’re happy.