
Live.. i dare you!

August 31, 2022 J. 0 Comments

It simply popped into my head of out seemingly no where on a regular Friday evening while I was in the studio. The thought that I don't reach for what I want. That living this cautious life was fine and dandy but regret was a pill that remained bitter even after the initial taste. 

I am 30 years old. I have made several choices in my life. And many I would make over and over again. Some though, until recently, until this thought - I believed I would make again but I know that to be false now. I loved and lived cautiously. I never dared! And on those brief occasions when I dipped my little toe into the sea of life and felt the cold I snatched it right back and fell into the warm safety of my shell

Cocooned, familiar and safe. Watching from within the safe confines for my own pre-arranged boundaries. But it was such a limited view. What about the whip of the fresh sea breeze in my hair, on my face? What about the feel of the sand between my toes and that of the ocean as it reaches it waves and wraps them around my ankles drawing me into itself? The warmth of the sun as it shines and the comfort of the rain as it falls and drenches every part of me. 

I don’t want to live in a shell anymore. I want to dare. To not make decisions from a place of fear, desolation and loneliness. I am the fucking Sun and Moon. All at once and all the time. I will not shrink. I will not be meek. I will not be speechless. 

No longer.

Go on Jas, live boldly. I dare you!

Juicy Raindrops! ♡

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