
Omg. Omg. Omg.

November 28, 2011 J. 0 Comments

Omg. Omg. Omg.

New Boyz II Men Album: Twenty! Can you imagine? Omg.


Okay, last one. Omg!!

Done reading for Clinical Biochemistry exam. Only final revision left for Thursday night. Now, to tackle Medical Microbiology.. But before then, one more.. OMG!!!



Fa La La..

November 28, 2011 J. 0 Comments

Two exams on Friday so I have been very busy today - (big surprise!)

Anyway, i took a mini break to show you this song i came across! I know the original was by the Jackson 5, but I simply love this version.. plus i'm partial to BoyzIIMen.

And also..


Juicy RainDrops!




November 27, 2011 J. 0 Comments

I just read about the death of one of my college mates. It's sad. Very much so. He was one of those people who had big dreams. He was like me. A few days ago he was excited about his new job. And today he is no more. I was in bed, sleeping.. tethering precariously between life and death. It could have been me who didn't wake today. And it still could be. My mother always says that the end of the year is usually when people died the most. I've heard of 3 deaths this week already. I'm sure that there are a lot more. May their souls rest in peace.



Kindness needs no words..

November 20, 2011 J. 0 Comments

I have this thing i do where i mute my tv when i'm reading. It's probably psychological but the images without the sound helps me focus. Anyway, a couple of minutes ago i decided to take a break from my Viva preparation. I turned to the tv to witness a most heartwarming sight. A little girl (about 9 years old) was seated outside about to eat her hot bun when she notices a woman with her child in her arms, and two younger children begging on the street and giving flowers in turn for kindness. No one was paying attention to them. Some of the passers-by actually walked right past them without even glancing up .. but not this little girl. She caught the eye of the younger daughter and saw the longing in her eyes so she went over to hand the bun over to her. After receiving what seemed like a nod from her mother, the young beggar girl collected the bun and dived in. Her older sister then ran after the kind little girl to hand her a flower in gratitude.
My tv was muted of course and i couldn't hear a word of all this but i was moved. I felt a rush of so many emotions all at once. I want to change the world, i really do. Scoff all you want but I will do it, ISA. Even if it's only one life i get to change, it will be a start. I just checked and the movie is called, 'The Little Princess'.

This probably seems silly but it was blog worthy! I have to go now. Busy bee and all that.

Juicy RainDrops!!



November 20, 2011 J. 0 Comments

Life can be so unfortunate sometimes. I just went on FB and read the most heartwarming status made my Lola for the brother she lost on this very day 2 years ago. Then right underneath it was some guy talking about how he liked ‘it’ in the back seat of a tinted car. I almost deleted him in my rage but then I sobered. It wasn’t his fault. Not really. We don’t know pain or loss until we are faced with it. Until it burns us to the very core of our being and we hurt so much that we beg for death as a reprieve. Believe me,  it is the worst feeling.

I was in a mood so I went along (reading status updates) when I saw this:

“This world, is only but a temporary accommodation + mere delusion. Indeed man is ungrateful to his Lord. This he shall know, on the day of recompense.”

And for a while I simply sat there thinking about how seriously we take this life. The same Life whose only certainty is the one in its end. I thought about our world today and  it didn’t make sense. Why the lies? Why the greed and the war? What’s the ultimate goal?

Why the incessant fear and thirst for power? Why the need to intimidate your fellow man? For mere superiority? A truly superior being isn’t the one who puts fear into the hearts of men. All tyrants fall.

Why fight with good friends over silly things and end up not talking for years? Why hate someone who has everything you’ve ever wanted? Why not look around and realize that all that you truly need, you have. Otherwise you wouldn’t be alive at this very moment. Appreciate it and thank The Being responsible.

What is the point of loving in secret when you could simply say it? What if they died this very day? Would you spend a eternity thinking ‘what if?” ? What could truly be more tragic than that? If they’re with someone else then they weren’t yours to begin with. Don’t destroy another’s happiness. Find your soul mate. There are apprx 7 billion people on earth, I’m sure there’s one person for you.

Help a stranger. He could be the best friend, you’d ever have. He could also put a bullet through your head of course but your intentions would have been true. Walk away and you could find yourself in reversed roles sometime in the future. And he will recognize you. Believe me, Karma never misses a chance to make a point.

People will hurt you, betray you, and disappoint you. They will leave you when you think that you need them most. But they cannot break you, not unless you let them. We are a strong race. We have survived extinction for thousands of years. We have survived hurricanes and earthquakes. We are survivors. You will survive. And if you ever contemplate hurting another, remember how it felt when it was you.

Put your heart into things that matter to you and do your best. Perhaps it’s your undergrad degree, or a new car, or that job promotion you’ve always wanted. Work for it! Deserve it!

Contentment is a state of mind. Be content!

Face your fears and overcome them or you will crumble before them. Death kills you once; fear does it over and over again. And each time it takes away a vital piece of your soul. So ‘Keep calm and love life’.

Belief in oneself is the greatest power at your disposal. Attain it and don’t let anyone take it from you. You can do anything if you believe it. Believe in possibilities, Dream in colour!

Essentially just eat, pray and love. And you’ll be the happiest you, you can be. Life is way too short and is already complicated enough without your help. Just let go

x x x
M.J Hartley 



A circle one!

November 09, 2011 J. 0 Comments

You would think that i would've learned by now but it's always so easy to believe what we want to be true, isn't it? Don't mind me. I've been thinking again. It's Wednesday already. I have only 2 days of reading week left and i didn't start any real work till today. *sigh*

Anyway because i was being dramatic(?) and also getting caught up with me, i didn't call Mama and as such didn't know that she'd been ill. Needless to say, i felt like a total heel. I would've done anything she asked and she knew it so she asked that i call Ray.
I did.
We talked.
We laughed.
We sobered.
It was actually good for me. I will love him always. I've always known that. Now, i'm okay with it. He's still one of the best people i know. And one of the few that i know genuinely care about me.. even if i tend to forget it sometimes! :)

Rado and i have fallen into new pattern. And we aren't fighting anymore. We are.. us! That's all there really is to it. MO and i have been as crazy as always. Apparently he'd gone to a lingerie party and was almost raped. I laughed long and hard of course.

I'm studying again and content with all that i am. I have found my inner peace. I have great friends and an awesome family! I'm doing what i love.. everyday. Seriously, I am blessed! I have all i need! MashaAllah!

{Oh! And i didn't tell you about my Eid Dinner! It was a success! :) Will put a picture up when i have a stronger internet connection.}

Tonight, mine is gonna be the window with the lights on as i burn out all my night oil! 

Juicy RainDrops! 



November 02, 2011 J. 0 Comments

Yes, It's me! Back from the depths of hell. Seems even they don't take whinny brats! So I'm back. Bigger, better and wiser (?).. let's just say stronger. Cuz i am still going to mess up.. bad!

I spent the last 2 weeks seesawing between pathetic and dreadfully pathetic and somehow i convinced myself that it was okay. i wasn't hurting anyone after all. WRONG. I was hurting myself. BIG TIME. Turns out i depend on my insane sanity much more than even i know. Without it i just kindda went haywire.

Quick recap..

1. I made a mess of my hair - Deranged as i was, i let myself get talked into putting on a 'lace wig'. It turned out to be the worst 80 quid i have ever spent. Surmise to say i have another salon AP next week.

2. I made an even worse mess of my academics - You wouldn't begin to understand the amount of work i have to do and turn in. Apparently those residing in hell don't do homework.. and/or study. AT ALL!

3. I called Rado - If you honestly need me to explain further then you haven't been listening. (or reading as the case may be)

4. (This probably shouldn't get to me but..) I took this visual behaviour test thingy (not professional) and my results were: dependent, insecure, witty and thoughtful - With the exception of the 'Witty' and perhaps maybe 'Thoughtful' (though that does depend on the context in which it is used, but i'm optimistic), i hate everything there. Dependent? Insecure? I have lived my whole life trying hard not to be either of the two only to have it thrown in my face and (here's the hard part) for me to realise that it was true. Somewhere along the line i did become.. (choke) insecure and dependent. I depend on Mama, Lola, RooQ, Bin2.. Hell i even depend on Gretchen!!! And with dependency came insecurity. The feeling that i just might not be 'enough'. I started to have doubts.. terrible ones. I started to think (and almost believe) that couldn't do it. Not Biomed, not Med school, not anything! It isn't a nice feeling, that i can tell you. I don't wallow. Or cry over nothing. Or lay back and wait to be spoon-fed. That isn't me. Has never been me! I guess somewhere along the way, i started loosing touch with who i was.. what i was.
                                               I AM SUPERWOMAN!! 
Through and through. I slay my own dragons and defend my own castle. I am a warrior. A survivor. My mother's daughter. My father's daughter. An enigma. A helpless romantic. An avid reader. A clumsy dancer. An excellent artist with terrible brushwork. I can't read maps and have never understood how compasses work. I can be obsessive, selfish and arrogant.

That is who i am. Who i know. With every fault and flaw, i am who i am. And i would like to never forget that again.