
Kindness needs no words..

November 20, 2011 J. 0 Comments

I have this thing i do where i mute my tv when i'm reading. It's probably psychological but the images without the sound helps me focus. Anyway, a couple of minutes ago i decided to take a break from my Viva preparation. I turned to the tv to witness a most heartwarming sight. A little girl (about 9 years old) was seated outside about to eat her hot bun when she notices a woman with her child in her arms, and two younger children begging on the street and giving flowers in turn for kindness. No one was paying attention to them. Some of the passers-by actually walked right past them without even glancing up .. but not this little girl. She caught the eye of the younger daughter and saw the longing in her eyes so she went over to hand the bun over to her. After receiving what seemed like a nod from her mother, the young beggar girl collected the bun and dived in. Her older sister then ran after the kind little girl to hand her a flower in gratitude.
My tv was muted of course and i couldn't hear a word of all this but i was moved. I felt a rush of so many emotions all at once. I want to change the world, i really do. Scoff all you want but I will do it, ISA. Even if it's only one life i get to change, it will be a start. I just checked and the movie is called, 'The Little Princess'.

This probably seems silly but it was blog worthy! I have to go now. Busy bee and all that.

Juicy RainDrops!!

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