
November 04, 2012 J. 0 Comments


i am learning that tears don't always signify weakness. sometimes they are just what you need to let go and move on. no, this isn't about a boy. it's about genetics actually.

i sat down for 7 hours straight working on my genetics power-point presentation on cystic fibrosis. i had read so many scientific journals at that point that my head was reeling; but it felt good too. i was working and making very good progress. Arsenal may not have made me very happy, but Hamilton had. so yes, it was a good day.

then Microsoft power-point crashed.

i wasn't bothered. there was this awesome creation called "auto-save"... except the last time it saved was 17:05 and the time was 23:10.

what i did first was laugh, and laugh hard. and then i cried. really, really hard. then i had a very hot shower and got back to work.

i was able to re-do most of the work from memory in about an hour.. then i put in an extra 2 hours doing more work and research - just for good measure.


i don't succumb to failure and allow myself to get disheartened and demoralized the way i used to. as long as there is breath in me, i will keep trying.. or else nothing will get done. nothing at all. nada!

anything worth doing is worth doing right.. and if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Simples! :)

now, it's 02:21. and yea, i'm beat! awesome, but beat.

Sleep tight,

Juicy Raindrops! ♡ 

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