Working the Electrolyte and Urinalysis Benches.

July 02, 2014 J. 0 Comments

Before i begin i should mention that the Electrolyte and Urinalysis benches at The Hospital Labs are the only two benches where you do not need be attached to another Med Lab Scientist. You get to work solo with no one hanging over your shoulder or, in some cases, slowing you down. They are obviously my two favorite benches, second only to the more laid-back-two-working-days-a-week hormone bench. :)


The parameters here are only: Sodium, Chloride, Bicarbonate and Potassium. There is an ISE analyzer specifically dedicated to this bench which gives individual results in less than 2 minutes. I was taught to operate it in all of ten minutes and then.. that was it. Oh, i did have to also learn the normal references ranges for each of the parameters as well.


 The tests run on the Urinalysis bench simply require dipsticks. You dip the strip into the container containing your sample and wait for a reaction.. voila! - Just like magic. Urine pregnancy tests are also part of this bench and again, a dipstick is used like those used in home pregnancy kits. The one part of this bench that i found distasteful was the Occult Blood Test (OBT). The sample for this test is stool and as you can imagine, even with gloves and a face mask, i didn't relish the thought of handling anyone's stool sample.

It took some doing but seven months later, i can finally test a sample without having to skip lunch.


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