It would be a pleasure to have had my heart broken by you..

June 30, 2014 J. 0 Comments

Who the hell says that? ^.^ :D

Obviously I've been dabbling in John Greene. (Not the way it sounds). I went to watch the movie, after reading the book and was hit all over again. I know a lot of people on Goodreads were unimpressed by the book but for me it was awesome. It's been a long while since I read a book I loved as much. That does Mr. Greene a lot of credit. 

I cried. Both for the book and movie. So I guess that settles that. 

I start the LFT bench again tomorrow. Now that you know what horrors await me, I hope you sympathize. Sigh! The next two weeks are going to be fierce. And not Sasha Fierce fierce. 

Oh my! You're going to have to excuse me. My only excuse is that i am currently seriously exhausted. 
I am going to go now. 


Try to ignore the part where I am only just now watching "The Fault in Our Stars". I have no social life whatsoever. :(

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