Working the LFT Bench

June 30, 2014 J. 0 Comments

You know how in every educational system, there is that one subject/module that makes you work just that much harder, demands just a little bit more and takes all your sanity away with it... That is the liver and renal function test (LFT/RFT) bench at The Hospital Labs. The two benches, although different, are worked together because they are the most requested-for tests performed by The Chemical Pathology Labs and also because there are only two automated immunoassay machines in the Lab, with the other primarily used for and by the Glucose Bench.

It was absolute horror! Especially when the machine, Cobas c311, crashed. It took a week to repair.  A WHOLE WEEK! That was probably the longest week ever. Closing time changed from 4pm to wherever all the LFT/RFT benches were cleared.


I repeat: It was absolute horror!!

And wouldn't you know it? I learned the two benches like I'd known how to my whole life (and this is a marvel because we all know that technology and i aren't exactly BFFs). It took me approximately one work day to learn the normal references ranges for male and female of all ages and the rest all came to me just as easily. Unlike the hormone bench i was allowed to operate this machine and so i learned and practiced. I even learned how to run controls and calibrate the machine.. and a few tricks for when the machine decides to acts up.

Well, maybe it wasn't all THAT bad but after working the smooth sailing hormone bench, LFT/RFT was just A LOT to take in. Luckily i had a very good teacher who continues to test my limits to this day. ^.^

yes, now i can thank him for it, back then i thought he was just good old, plain evil! -.-

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