Being together is hard! Be it a
relationship or marriage. Anyone who
ever said or thought it was easy is completely misinformed. Being together is
HARD! Take it from someone who knows. Being together with someone is equivalent
to accommodation because that’s what you’ll be doing. Accommodating every whim,
bullshit and crap. It’s like having a baby. Babies cry, poop, cry, eat, cry,
poop, cry, eat, cry and then cry some more. It could drive a sane man to drink.
But then comes a moment - A moment that makes
every single thing worth it. The presence of this moment is Love. I have
finally defined the elusive word. Love is that moment when everything is
justified. No, wait! “Justified” is such a big word. Let’s use accepted. You
take all the crap associated with sharing your life with someone just for those
moments when you think, “All worth it!” – honey, that’s love!
Love is those moments in a lifetime. True love
is a lifetime of moments!
- J.