
Love is warfare

June 18, 2023 J. 0 Comments

Our ‘Flight or Fight Instinct” is triggered when we start to fall in love.
Accelerated heart rate and breathing 
Elevated blood pressure
Release of adrenaline
Increased circulation to muscles and brain
Muscular contraction of stomach and intestines..

We have romanticised these warnings of course
We say:
“she made my heart skip a beat” 
“she took my breath away”
“he gives me butterflies in my stomach”
“I feel flushed and flustered around him”

As if these are not the same reactions our bodies have 
in times of high stress and danger,
like when we are facing a predator in the wild.

So falling in love is a form of trauma.
An existential survival warfare
which triggers our natural psychological reaction
honed through many years of evolution.

When your heart starts bounding in time to those drums of war
drop that heavy chainmail armour, lest it slow you down - 
and run.
Run while you can.
Run so maybe you can actually survive unscathed.

Juicy Raindrops! ♡


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