The Book of Night


November 11, 2023 J. 0 Comments

Someone asked me about you today 
A new friend 
Well not about you in particular
She asked about my heart
And when last I had given it away
So I told her about you 
She replied almost immediately 
She said you didn’t count because it had been so long ago
Because we had been so long ago.

I replied to her that in that case
I had never given my heart out then 
and the conversation continued until it changed to something else
She dismissed you as nothing but a teen fling 
She dismissed everything that we were and had been 
so thoroughly, so swiftly 
That she didn’t even bother asking your name
And it occurred to me that it really has been a long time.

13 years.. of course she’d discount you 
What care she that I tremble still
What care she that I have to take a deep fortifying breath
What care she that my dreams are still haunted.

No longer, are you worthy of being even a ghost
Now, you are a blip in the past
A youthful folly
And somehow that is even worse.
Because according to all their books
You don’t matter anymore.
So why do you still?

Juicy Raindrops! ♡

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