Dear Reader

Happy 13th!

September 01, 2024 J. 0 Comments

Dear reader (if any exist at this point*),

I came on here to purge out some pain like i usually do and ended up reading many of the posts here. Sometimes reading my own poems triggers me but somehow tonight, they gave me comfort - even the really dark ones inspired by really painful memories. Fancy that?

In only days it will be the 13th year anniversary of my friend Aisha. You might remember her from here. 13 years! That means that this blog is also 13 years old now. Somehow it feels longer. I was 20 the year i started this blog and in the years between then and now i have gone through an entire universe worth of emotions. sigh. i know that doesn't sound poetically elegant but i am emotionally wrung out right now so forgive it, okay? I have written of light and dark, maybe more of the dark in recent years. But my initial promise from my very first post remains true - i only write of things i know. I have changed from girl to woman in this time and experienced the myriad of trials and emotions to comes with that. There are so many uncompleted pieces in my drafts folder that i cannot be motivated to edit and post. But each one represents a part of me, a stage, a sunflower head.

Why did i start this entry again? I think i've lost it. Ah yes, time passing and 13 years. 

I survived this August without even remembering to be wary of it. As if i had already simply accepted the transformation it will bring. For someone who has always been resistant to change that it saying a lot. Time, changes, transformation...

I know it sounds like i am about to make changes to the blog again but i promise i am not. I am still satisfied with the title and look... for now. I guess i am just musing. That is all.

Happy 13th year of this journey with the Psych-ward Breakout. May the madness reign forevermore.

Juicy Raindrops! ♡

*i have changed the title and URL of this blog so many times now that i will be surprised if anyone even knows it exists anymore or how to find it. unfortunately the "subscribe by mail" feature was removed by Blogger several years ago so there was no way to alert anyone of the name change and new link. But alas, this is what life is. We come into each other's lives and orbit for a reason and season. Thank you for the many years in which you kept me company, left me messages and gave a kind of meaning to my madness. Wherever you are now, I hope you are alive and well.


The Book of Night

breaking in the moment

September 01, 2024 J. 0 Comments

i vaguely realise that i am going through something right now.
it is something that yanks me out of every comfort zone i possess 
and forces me to share my life with another.
against my will.
despite it being, possibly, for my own good.
down the line.
in the long run.

but realising this does not mean that the situation is resolved.
i am still going through it. right now.
i am still reacting to it. right now.
i am still seeking comfort and finding none.

so maybe i will be fine some time in the future
and might even look back to this moment and label it an overreaction.
it is a privilege that the future version of me will possess.
the ability to not be as tied to the turbulent maelstrom of emotions within me right now.
the ability to look upon them from behind a screen, 
a place of safety.
a place of knowing.
a place of having lived through this already,
through eyes of memory.

so yes, 
while distantly being aware that this is just another phase 
on the road of life 
that i may one day not even remember clearly 
even if i read this again,
right now,
right this very minute,
in this moment,
my heart is actively breaking.

Juicy Raindrops! ♡



Dreams & Confessions

June 18, 2024 J. 0 Comments

I would like to be a wealthy woman. It would help me do the things that I want to do.

I would like to travel some. Not extensively but I would like to see the Ka’abah in this lifetime and visit the Mosque Al-Aqsa if it is meant. And Venice.. I have romanticised this city so much that it may not even live up to the one on the pedestal but still.. I would like to see it before it returns to the ocean. I wonder if the Greeks preserved the ancient grecian architecture. You know those temple-like pillars with all the pretty plaster art. i should google it. Maybe I’ll take a European tour?

I would like a life partner.. sometimes. On some of my good days. Other times I am too selfish with my time, leisure and peace of mind to share. But, on those good days I think it would be nice. A person of my own, a confidante, supporter, lover.

I would love my Cheriè. I bought a doll house for her and I have been steadily furnishing it. I don’t know how/if she will come to me. And on my not-so-good days I wonder if wanting her is an extension of my selfishness. What really can I offer her beyond my love?

These are things I want and admittedly I may have found myself waiting for at some point in my life. Some even occurred in concert. I’m impatient - it’s a flaw I’m working on tempering but I AM impatient. I don’t think I am capable of simply living a life of waiting. Waiting for him, waiting for her, waiting to see it, waiting to get it.. My Cottage is my big dream. But I realised that I couldn’t keep waiting. Working hard and hoping that someday I ‘might’ get there. Instead, I’m working on my garden. No garden space? Build custom garden beds. I get to have them and enjoy them now and when my Rabb blesses me with an actual cottage (better than my dreams I’ll bet), I’ll have all the experience and knowledge required to live the way I want to there. 

This sunflower flower head is enjoying her life and learning to plant her own food, make glass craft, sculpt clay and carve wood - accumulating skills - just imagine all the things the next bud will be capable of!

Juicy Raindrops! ♡