Weekend shift

February 08, 2014 J. 0 Comments


So I pulled the short straw for the weekend shift this week. It's Saturday, but here I am at work. Sigh. I need to get my medical license ASAP. I can't keep doing this. 

I haven't explained about the license, have I? I need one to actually run the tests on patient samples at The Hospital Labs. I have been procrastinating getting one for the duration of my internship here because once I get it, my patient exposure will reduce and believe it or not, even when they frustrate me sometimes, I like hanging around the patients. They always have stories. And I've found since working here, after over two decades, that I actually do possess a patient streak. Who knew? I don't mind explaining the same procedure over and over again, sometimes in two different languages, until the patients get it. I like caring for them and soothing their worries. I feel thoroughly fulfilled when at the end of the day, their eyes are filled with gratitude. That's enough for me. 

Anyway I digressed. My provisional license. 

I'll get to it.. Eventually. 

Have a good weekend. 

- J. 

Did you watch the Arsenal v. Liverpool game? Let's not talk about it. Let's just not.

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