
Beware the advent of winter

September 14, 2020 J. 0 Comments

I know that there are men that i should be wary of
These creatures have perfected the art of emotional manipulation 
And me? I see, think and feel with my heart
I am prime prey.

They will take, take and take
And I will give, give and give
Because this is how i love
I give without measure
Without expecting anything in return.

Sometimes i will look up
Because while i am a lover, i am not stupid 
I will look up and look at them
Exalting in their smugness for having baited me yet again
Or with half a crocodile tear making its way down one cheek
And i will feel pity for them.
Real pity
Because today they are playing with my honest emotions 
and i will let it happen
For them
For me
But soon, very soon, the day will come
When they will lay in a bath of molten lava 
With red hot coals on their heads
And i will feel nothing.

This is why i pity them
For the day when my emotions stop flowing for them
Because on the reverse of my true love is icy unfeelingness
Not contempt or hatred
Those are too engaging
I will quite literally feel nothing at all.

So today while i still can feel,
I will smile up at them
And give them another pint of blood.

Don’t worry about me though,
My blessings are vast, I will make up more blood.

Juicy Raindrops! ♡

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