
April 30, 2011 J. 0 Comments

Seems I have a thing for windows and rainfall for once again for the millionth time, here I sit by my window watching as the winds howl and the skies cry. I'm soul-walking again. Determining the aspects of my life that need stay the same, get terminated or ejected and the parts that need change. CHANGE! Now there's the big one.

All my life I've always been known to have an aversion to change. Lately though I've had to accept that change is INEVITABLE. Everything changes! Even me! I've changed drastically from the girl I used to be. Maybe I don't even know her anymore. Or maybe I'm still the same girl only bigger, stronger and wiser. All these I now am due to change with growth being a 'selection pressure' and I'm not done yet. I will keep changing till the day my heart stops beating... and so will you. You see, you can accuse me of changing but if you were smart, you would see that no matter how many times or in how many ways I change, the important stuff still remain the same. Those are innate and they aint going nowhere.

A million things don't matter to me but another million do. I value loyalty and trust above countless other things and I'm known to speak my mind when and how it pleases me. I'm selfish WITH the ones I love and can continuously beat you at monopoly. That's just the way of it.

Me and you, we are a work in progress. And everyday that we remain friends, we gain more momentum and so it will be until we are unreachable. I'm Kim and you can be Ron! :)

Juicy Raindrops! 

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