Just press play!
We hold on to the past for one reason alone - WISTFULNESSWhich is normally not a bad thing but when one pauses their entire life for the past then it becomes scary and dangerous! I have an aversion to change. I love the predictability of everyday life and it keeps me content. Boring, but safe. I guess that was why i refused to let that part of my life go. I've lived in the past for so long now that when i finally came up for air, I hardly recognized the present. You could call me a coward and I wouldn't blame ya. I put my past life on a pedestal so high that it was impossible for anyone to beat that.
In the early hours of a wet but beautiful November morning I let myself get over the fact that fear of the unknown had kept me prisoner. Stagnant, Unmoving. Looking out my window now, I see that dawn is fast approaching and with it, a decision.
Pappi said, ''You are potentially apt to achieve the unattainable''
Shego said, '' Mimi, you're a survivor!''
Niggy said, ''.. sometimes I think you're stronger than me''
If I refuse to listen to the voice in my head then I think its time I listened to these ones. Of course it's gonna be rough but I wanna be able to look back every time and say to myself each time, ''It's no question, JUST PRESS PLAY''. No more pausing and rewinding like an old movie.
Bakar says I need to write more and maybe he's right. If writing is my own way of self expression, then so be it. I'm done rebelling! [Mother would be overjoyed! Her greatest wish come true]. If life's truly what you make it then there's really nothing to worry about. I'm facing this world head-on and vow to live for the moment and enjoy the little things- the moments that REALLY matter in the end. They say Life is an adventure, a puzzle, an opportunity, a journey, or a gift even. I say its a choice!
''Life's a ball
waltz, tango and boogie
to your own rhythm..
Its your time,
spread out your wings and soar'' --- MJH
Maybe I'm headed for utter and complete destruction and maybe I wouldn't last 3 days out there. But at least I'd be taking my balls (excuse me) and doing it in style... with my head up of course!
I will not crumble in the face of this world. I'm gonna take risks! Go ice skating (MO, set a date), Climb '''THE EYE''' and even go balloon riding if the weathers good. More subtle though, I'll eat sushi (Shehzad?), watch a horror film and maybe even fall in love again...
Here's to living IN and FOR the moment! Just press play people!
~ Jasmeen Marie ~