PieCeS oF mE!
This goes out to my Bella Chicas.. Without the presence of u very beautiful women in my life I just don't know where I'd be... for that I thank u... Muchas Gracias!
"Under the azure sky and dashing stars,
I recall...
Thou who relinquishes all pain
and gives sure reason...
Thou who laughs at my stupidity
shares my joy and misfortune
and scolds my haughtiness...
Angels walking beside me
not protecting from harsh reality,
but supporting me through it all
What more could I ask for?
My friends, My sisters, My life... Mwaah!!
I was gonna dedicate a poem called ''The deepest secret'' by E.E Cummings (he's awesome!) but then I realized that a heartfelt one was much more deserving. So Chicas... hope u like..!!! xxx