Xmas Special

December 29, 2013 J. 0 Comments


So i'm moody. Not right now but generally. I've always just kinda accepted that it will always be so but then i woke up from a nightmare last night and was dogged by echoes of the dream all through the afternoon. After dinner, I switched off that part of my brain and it stopped. Just like that. It occurred to me that the reason i am almost always moody is because i take on the problems of the world, things that i can not change no matter how hard i try, and then get depressed over my perceived inadequacies.

It also occurred to me that i am not much of a doer. Take right now for instance. I should be studying for MCAT, prepping for my internship which starts in January, completing one of my many abandoned novels or just doing something productive, you know? But what am i doing? I'm sitting here.. on my window sill no less, writing this while deciding what Nora Roberts book i am going to read tonight. See my point?

But you know what? There simply just isn't anywhere else I'd rather be right now. I think we have a winner: The Return of Rafe Mackade.

Happy holidays y'all! Have a wonderful, wonderful break - I know I am!!

Juicy Raindrops!!

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