
March 11, 2014 J. 0 Comments

I really thought (and hoped) it would rain today. The skies promised it. The winds carried the scent of it. Plus, the temperature has been in the upper 30's for way too long. Take me back to Braddie -4's please! 

It didn't rain.

Did you hear/read about the M.I.A Boeing 777? How the hell does a plane, carrying over 200 passengers, disappear in the this life and age where one can't even wipe a bogey without someone else knowing about it? *shaking my head*

In other news, the strike has been called off and I'm back to work. They very obviously read my last entry. :) This is a quick post as I am currently watching the Arsenal v Bayern Munich and AC Milan v Athletico Madrid games. 


Whatever the outcome, I remain loyal. 

Juicy Raindrops!

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