In the name of Love
"Whatever dies was not mixed equally; If our two loves be one, or, thou and I love so alike that none do slacken, none can die."
This letter should have been written years ago so let it never be said that I didn't give us a chance. Because I did. At the cost of my fragile sanity, I gave us numerous chances to make it right. But now I'm tired.
I am not blaming you and neither am I blaming myself. We've both done enough of that, don't you think? We've just reached the end of our road. I admit that I used my affection for you.. And yours for me. I used it as distraction and cover. Time and time again. I let myself believe that we never would have worked anyway because it was easier to deal, yet in the heart of me I hoped we would. Because if we did, we would be epic and it would be so beautiful because you and me, we're like magic together.
I've written for you. Not once, and not twice. I don't write for just anyone. But I wrote for you. Right now, I am writing to you.
We can't keep at this. We can't. I haven't felt like my heart's been broken in two since I was 19. Today I felt that way. And it didn't feel any better than it had then. I don't want to feel that way again.. and if I stay, I will definitely relive this.
Maybe I'm a coward. Maybe I'm running away. But I have enough battle scars and I don't need more. Not in the name Love.
This isn't an elaborate letter. All I'm trying to say is that I'm tired. Exhausted really. There's nothing left here to take .. or give. You've sapped it all. Taken all of it. And had your fill of it. Now please let me go.
Yours always,
This is beautifully written, and it hit home for me as well...