Jas vs. Jas

January 21, 2014 J. 0 Comments


I knew it was bound to happen. 
It had to. 

There was almost no chance that I wouldn't be faced with this while working in The Hospital Labs. Not when he was admitted here. I looked at the name on the sheet again. It held the last results of the day. My uncle's test results. 

I hadn't done the tests myself but here were the results placed before me.. And the moral struggle began.. To look; or not to look. 

Was it my place? Was it ethical to abuse my position like that? It wasn't really abuse though, was it? 

Only a glance. I just want to know. The doctors were keeping mum. It was making me nervous. I needed facts. Those I could deal with. 

But my conscience nagged and  I hesitated. 

I glanced at the name again. There it was, in my hands, within my grasp. All I had to do was look. 

It was tempting of course. I wasn't hurting anyone. Just one quick look.. A peep, really. Five seconds would be enough. It really wouldn't hurt anyone. I just wanted to know. Then maybe I'd worry less. 

I started to reach for the corner of the file, ready to flip a page. In a few moments there would be no going back. But it would be worth it to know, I assured myself. I started to turn the page..

I couldn't do it.
So I dropped the folder and walked away. 

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