
Crazy, Stupid Love

October 02, 2011 J. 0 Comments

                                   "... Love is the biggest scam of all"
A kid said that, heartbroken and in despair, and all i could think was what a great line it was. I had no problem at all believing it. Love is a sick and twisted play of  neurotransmitters in the CNS creating an illusion we have almost worshipped over the years. We have cried for it, died for it. Some have even killed for it. I just don't think that it's worth it.

My excuse?

I have not be scarred beyond repair by some high school/college beau. Hell, i was the one to bring my last relationship to an end. My parents are still together after 22 years. I have led a very sheltered and pampered life. i guess i am just who i am.

What gets to me most is that i used to believe in all this stuff. Love, relationships, marriage, little white picket fences... the whole works. The question is. "What happened to me?"

Looking at the kid's face at the end of the movie, it hit me. i couldn't help but feel cheated. like i had lost, that something had been stolen from me.

i want it back!

In other news, HP weekend comes to a end tonight.. and it's back to business. Got a PPS 1 test on thursday too. In case i don't return, don't take it personal, just blame education (i do!)

Juicy RainDrops! ♡

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