
Someday's today.

October 08, 2011 J. 0 Comments

I put 'Rang and Dale' aside for this. It might make very little sense.

I saw them. I hadn't ever till today. In both cases. Both Ray and Rado, that is. Something happened within me. i got goosebumps as i realized that i would do a lot of things in my life.. make a lot of mistakes too.. But that would never be one. I'm so much bigger than that. All this time I have been holding on to thin air. Let me explain.

I let go of Ray only to slowly but surely hold on to Rado. "Hero syndrome", I hear it's called. But Rado, dear friend that he is can never be my 'one'. I would be charged with murder before the end of the week. yes, i love him that much! *smile*
i am not in love with Rado, it was just a crush on the guy who helped me through a very rough patch in my life. He did make for an interesting summer crush though. *wink* My point is, there's no Ray, there's no Rado, no Rango.. at long last i don't have to live for anyone but me. Don't get me wrong, i've loved each one of them in my own way but this, this is a fantasy-come-true. :)

I probably have no idea what i'm gonna do next (haven't given it much thought) but it's going to be so interesting trying to figure it all out. i will mess up (God, knows i will) but i will heal. i will mend. i have no doubt.

... And you, on the other hand, get to be entertained as 'Little Miss Perfect' becomes 'Little Miss Not-So-Perfect".  And to think that all this started with a bathroom stand and a picture. what does that say about my mental health? *shrug* Oh! I never told you the story about the bathroom stand, did i? Maybe some other time. Now, i have to continue studying so i can be able to swear that i had been later on. I didn't promise to be more rational just more spontaneous. That reminds me of something.. NO! (see what you do to me?) Have to run!

A very long way down the aisle, RooQ and I will make history but before that day.. Shh!!! :)

Juicy Raindrops! 

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