Only my mother would know to get her daughter, out of all the souvenirs/gifts in this world, a glow-in-the-dark Einstein T-shirt from the Smithsonian Museum. I LOVE IT!! And a mood bracelet (with little half-moons and stars) which I never take off now. She understands me that much! Blessed is what I am. :)
Anyway yeah, I have been shopping to my content and I had a session with Gretchen (my psychiatrist). She spluttered some remote crap about me shopping excessively to, i quote, 'fill a void'. I have zero idea what that means but i hardly ever understand anything she says. i think she speaks in riddles to confuse me.. as if i don't already have enough of that in my life. Anyway, everyone swears that she's the best and that she's somehow going to 'fix' me. They definitely need to learn to recognize a lost cause when faced with one. Anyway, yeah!
I saw Patrick Vieira (ex-Arsenal player and captain, now Goodwill ambassador for UN) in Sainsbury's! Shit, the man is TALL! Mama was actually the one who recognized him. I walked right past him.. ever-oblivious. That's me! *smh*
Been talking to Ray all through yesterday and today. No sparks.. just cooling embers! I'm glad. Rado didn't sound too hot when we spoke earlier but i don't know what to do about it. It's nagging at me but.. *sigh*
I downloaded a 'Weird facts' app on my iPod so I'm gonna educate you from now on.. and give you my very very opinionated opinions! :)
Weird fact #1 : The planet Saturn has a density lower than water. So, if placed in water it would float.
Jasmeen says: Yea, and the universe really IS Einstein-shaped! *tongue*
Juicy RainDrops! ♡
Einstein shaped universe! :)
My first observation when I arrived London yesterday was how fast-paced it was. Feet tapping (with impatience), horns blaring, people running to catch the bus and so much traffic! (What happened to slow kisses that seem almost heartbreakingly painful? Mind me not!). But there was also an excitement. A thrill of sorts! Perhaps had something to do with seeing the folks, but there was something there that was all 'London.' I couldn't help humming 'One day in London' from 'Pocahontas II' in my head as i rode the cab to where I'd meet Mama and Pappi. I don't have to mention how fricking much that meant to me!Only my mother would know to get her daughter, out of all the souvenirs/gifts in this world, a glow-in-the-dark Einstein T-shirt from the Smithsonian Museum. I LOVE IT!! And a mood bracelet (with little half-moons and stars) which I never take off now. She understands me that much! Blessed is what I am. :)
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The universe is shaped like Einstein! :) |
Anyway yeah, I have been shopping to my content and I had a session with Gretchen (my psychiatrist). She spluttered some remote crap about me shopping excessively to, i quote, 'fill a void'. I have zero idea what that means but i hardly ever understand anything she says. i think she speaks in riddles to confuse me.. as if i don't already have enough of that in my life. Anyway, everyone swears that she's the best and that she's somehow going to 'fix' me. They definitely need to learn to recognize a lost cause when faced with one. Anyway, yeah!
I saw Patrick Vieira (ex-Arsenal player and captain, now Goodwill ambassador for UN) in Sainsbury's! Shit, the man is TALL! Mama was actually the one who recognized him. I walked right past him.. ever-oblivious. That's me! *smh*
Been talking to Ray all through yesterday and today. No sparks.. just cooling embers! I'm glad. Rado didn't sound too hot when we spoke earlier but i don't know what to do about it. It's nagging at me but.. *sigh*
I downloaded a 'Weird facts' app on my iPod so I'm gonna educate you from now on.. and give you my very very opinionated opinions! :)
Weird fact #1 : The planet Saturn has a density lower than water. So, if placed in water it would float.
Jasmeen says: Yea, and the universe really IS Einstein-shaped! *tongue*
Juicy RainDrops! ♡